Click on Tyhee the Trafford Dog to jump to the publisher's catalog page, where you can order Secular Wholeness from a secure server. This is the fastest way to get the book (5 business days typical) and you pay no sales tax in any US state. (Incidentally, you maximize the author's royalty!) |
Click the icon to order from Barnes & Noble. I'm delighted to note that BN now has the book "in stock" -- "same day delivery in Manhattan." (So there, Amazon and Chapters...) |
Want to put the book on your Amazon "wish list"? Click the icon! The phrase "Usually ships in 5 to 6 weeks" is just rubbish -- if it takes longer than 2 weeks, email me and I'll send you a personal note of apology. But if you want it fast, order direct from the publisher (top line above) or BN. |
Canadian residents may prefer to buy from Canada's largest online bookstore. Don't be put off by the "3-5 week" shipping estimate. The publisher's turnaround is much less than that. |